Sunday, March 4, 2018

Great Sale Cay to Alan's Cay 3/1-3/2/18

We woke up to another beautiful day, not too much wind and mostly clear skies.  We left Great Sale with about 4 other boats heading out around the same time. The water was clear and we made our way around Great Sale and headed towards Alan's-Pensacola Cays to anchor for the night.  We arrived around 2:00 PM and set our anchor for the afternoon. There are quite a few beaches nearby and we lowered the dingy and took Abby along with some beverages over to the beach for a few hours.  We had both spotted a beach that had a large tree providing shade and nice looking sand close to the boat. Abby likes beaches and played in the water and ran around in the sand until she was all tired out.  We brought a toy for her to chase but she was much more interested in the sponges and seaweed than her toy.  Debbie and Abby walked down the beach to a place where someone had made a funny set up with a sign that read "free Beer Tomorrow and an old Pizza sign that had washed up from a storm.  There was a small boat abandoned there too.
Dingy on the beach with Drift Away at anchor

And another day comes to an end

We found another line under the boat today.  It was wrapped around the starboard stabilizer and jammed between the top of the fin and the hull.  I don't know how it got there but I had to pull and work it to get it back out.  What is it with this boat and picking up lines and stuff? While I was in the water I changed out the two hull zincs on the transom.  They were pretty worn out and I had changed them at Christmas in Anna Maria Island.
Not much left of these zincs

My latest catch and release project
Here comes the full moon
We had two other boats join us in the anchorage overnight.  A very peaceful place

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