Sunday, November 5, 2017

Fort Walton Beach to Panama City 11/2/17

Bye bye Fort Walton Beach its been nice.  We crossed a large sound called Choctawhatchee Bay after we left the narrows at Fort Walton and then entered a narrow man made canal for about 12 miles before coming out into West Bay and then down under the bridge to Panama City.  We passed a tow in the canal and the tow captain was very helpful and slowed and pulled over so we could have an easy pass.  Just about at the end of the canal section and before West Bay we saw an airboat with a bunch of tourists scooting along over the marshes and narrow canals leading off of the main canal. They looked like they were being well entertained.

Looks like fun.  He had slowed way down when he passed.  My wake might have helped him in that decision! Also notice he is wearing hearing protection but none of the passengers are.

We passed under the bridge leading to the beaches and we were hailed by a small navy ship asking us for a one whistle pass.  Absolutely love my AIS.  He knew my boats name and knew where we were and who to call.  Makes life easy and safe We pulled into the marina and checked in for two nights as it is time to change the oil again.  It's an every 150 hours thing and for the most part its easy, just the oil filters are a pain in the ass.  Once we were tied up I drained all of the old oil while it was still hot and any contaminants were still in suspension.  This sounds like hot dirty work but this part is actually easy.. I go down to the engine room and open a few valves and then push a button.  Now for the hard part.  I get a drink and go sit on the aft deck and wait for the sound of the oil pump to change which tells me that all of the old oil is out of that engine.  Turn some more valves and repeat.  Now tomorrow I will change the filters when everything has cooled down in the engine room. Debbie's knee and foot have been bothering her so I now have dog walking duty added to my chores.  I usually take the bicycle as I walk less and Abby runs more.  Win win for both of us.  We did a complete tour of the parks and marina and I spoke with a guy cast net fishing and also he had three rods out and was busy tending them all.  I found out you don' need a license to cast net fish so I will be trying that sometime soon.  I guess I will get a fishing license here in Florida because we will be here for long enough to make it worthwhile.  I've never been a fishing guy but I think Florida might change that.  I do like fresh fish and love shrimp so those are my goals. Maybe I will take a lesson from a fishing guide to get what I need and learn what I need to know.  I don't want to run afoul of the law especially when they have the power to seize your vessel!!

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