We had everything we needed fishwise so we untied and left after breakfast. Nice calm day with a breeze coming in from the ocean as we crossed Pensacola Bay and rejoined the GCICW. This stretch of the Waterway follows inside the barrier islands and just off of the main land. We first passed Tyndall Air Force base the home of the Blue Angels. We didn't see any jets but starting tomorrow they are practicing for their annual homecoming airshow. Sadly we will miss it, but I have seen them before at Sun n Fun in Lakeland FL.
Next up is Eglin Air Force Base which has more land than Rhode Island! We saw Ospreys the plane/helicopter combination and some other weird plane I didn't recognize. They have a bombing range off of Santa Rosa Island and I've heard they practice there with A10 Warthogs a flying gun. They built the plane around this huge gun.
We looked at an anchorage that might have been nice but there were two things that bothered me. One; there is no access to the beach here, it is government land and you will be arrested for trespassing. Two; they do lots of night exercises so being right under the flight path to the main runway can be potentially very noisy.
We kept on going and read about the Fort Walton City Dock, free dockage with free pumpout and water, close to bars, restaurants and a Publix. Sounded good and it is. We pulled in around 3:00 and settled in for an afternoon of sewing and boat washing. I washed all of the mustache off of one side of the boat. When you travel inland rivers there is often a high concentration of tannins in the water which stains white fiberglass a coffee color. Commonly called a mustache. Well after some On/Off no more. We were joined by another Looper boat last night a 35" ChrisCraft tri-cabin with Perkins diesel engines. Came that way from the factory and he purchased it in Ottawa Ontario. They didn't make many and this one was in the boat shows to show they could.
We had pan seared scallops with garlic, wine and lemon for dinner with black beans and rice. I think I almost aced the recipe. The flavor was great just need to thicken the sauce a touch.
The view from the free city dock at Fort Walton Beach. This is a floating business, Mexican food, wave runner rentals, paddle boards and beer. All floating and mobile |
Debbie and I have taken all of the seats for the deck chairs apart and now Debbie is cutting out all of the panels that need to be sewn together to reassemble them. She was short one piece of fabric but it goes on the bottom of the seat cushion so she has another left over piece of white fabric from the flybridge cushions that will do fine.
Lots of Dolphins playing in our wake. Abby kept running around and barking. I guess they make a sound/call that Abby can hear, but we don't |
We clipped Abby's toenails tonight and even with the guard on the clippers we got one short enough to make her claws bleed. We put styptic powder on it but for insurance we put one of my socks on with a rubber band so she wouldn't spot the floor |
That's her "you hurt me Daddy" look! The sock is under the tail. |
We watched two episodes of Downton Abby and took a look at the growing moon and stars then off to bed. We were close enough to the bars that we could hear a live band playing but it did not keep us awake.
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