Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Panama City Day Two 11/3/17

I took Abby for her morning run with the bicycle and then we had breakfast.  Next it was down to the engine room to change the 4 oil filters.  These things are huge and hold a 1/2 gallon of oil each.

 There are two per engine and the hardest part is getting in a comfortable position to remove them without getting oil all over me or the engine room.  I have a good filter wrench now which helps a lot in getting them loose.  This was something I struggled with greatly the first couple of times I changed them. They are all located in varying levels of difficulty to access and I can promise you the engineer that designed the installation never changed the filters on one of these.  Sometimes a little practical experience would be good for engineers! So armed with buckets to dump the used filters in, bucket for trash, a roll of shop towels, tools, some pillows to sit on and an old t shirt.
We finished up after a few hours and took a break.  The next job is to get rid of the used filters and oil.   This marina has an oil dump and also takes the used filters so I emptied the used oil tanks into buckets and toted everything over to the recycling oil dump.
After lunch it was chair recovering project and we got all of the material Debbie had sewn up attached to the frames and ready for install another day.  The material is a four way stretch and the staples seemed to go right through it and cut the material rather than holding it.  It was frustrating work, but we got it done and it looks pretty good. We were tired but wanted to see the downtown so we found an Italian restaurant to go to for dinner.  Ferruchis was the place and the meal was pretty good.  There was a first Friday of the month downtown party with blowup slides and fun houses for the kids, live bands and also a DJ in the middle of the street.  A fun and lively atmosphere, too bad we were too tired to stay and enjoy it.

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