Saturday, July 8, 2017

Coteaux to Long Sault

After breakfast we weighed anchor and headed back out into Lake St Francis to follow the seaway west to Lake Ontario.  The day was bright with lots of sunshine and the crew relaxed through the day.  I had wanted to fuel up in the states on the way west before we crossed back over into Trenton.  I posted to the AGLCA forum hoping someone would have a suggestion for cheap fuel.  As I was waiting for a reply I spotted the Aknawate Marina on the south shore and remembered that they had always had good gas prices years ago and we cruised up to the dock and asked how much.  $2.25 a gallon as they don't pay or collect any taxes so we filled up with 500 gallons and water.  Very happy I figure I saved $500.00 over fuel in Alexandria Bay or Clayton.  The Snell locks were just opening upon our arrival and we breezed through both American locks and out into the Long Sault stretch.  We passed Santorini downbound and hailed them on the radio to learn of their adventures.  They had spent a week or two in the 10000 islands and were having a great time.  We had spent a week with them in Waterford so it was nice to see them again even in passing.
We pulled out of the seaway and headed over to the Canadian side because we had not cleared customs and didn't want to anchor in the states.  We found a nice anchorage just off of Woodlands Beach and swam and took Abby for a run in the park near the beach. Juliette swam back to the boat from the beach, that girl can swim.  Dinner was an invention of brats and shrimp in a garlic, tomato pepper sauce with rice.  Turned out really well if I don't say so myself.  Might make it again. Topped it off with berry pie and ice cream. We sat out in the cockpit and watched the fourth of July fireworks from the American side.  All in all in very pleasant day.
Juliette swimming

Mara contemplating lunch

Debbie snoozing

Lots of current coming up the seaway.  Mostly 2+ knots

swimming is done for the day

More snoozing

Waiting for the fireworks to begin

There going to start soon

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