Saturday, July 8, 2017

Hudson to Coteau du Lac via Dorval

We cruised from Quarry Point over to HYC at 8:00 to pick up Bob and my grand nieces from the end of the L pier.  There was even less pier showing this morning.  I'm glad we decided to anchor out. With Mara, Juliette and Bob aboard we headed of for St Annes and through the locks.  Abby got her morning walk at the locks and then down Lake St Louis to the Dorval channel to head up the seaway to Behaurnois.  We had to wait for the locks to open so Juliette and Mara went swimming and Juliette pulled more fishing line and leaders off of the props.  I feel that I have used up 5 of my nine lives with the props as we have now hit 3 deadheads and had nylon line and now fishing gear wrapped around the props.  Once through the locks we had to wait again for the lift bridge and tried anchoring just out of the channel.   When we went to leave I put her in gear and we stirred up some gravel, make that strike 6.  Everything seemed to still be running smoothly and we headed into Coteaux and anchored just before the entrance to the old Soulonge canal.  Abby got to go for a walk in the canal park with Mara and Juliette and I cruised the old canal in the dingy.  Bob made a nice dinner and we all turned in shortly after 9:00.  I dove on the props and everything is still good.  Thank you
Juliette and Mara swimming and me checking the props

Juliette working the lines in the seaway locks

One of the many freighters we would pass 
Lighthouse in Les Coteaux

Bob got on board this morning and curiosity got the best of him  Fixing the door he opened that fell off

The L Pier at HYC when we left this morning.  We were tied up there for 4 days and the water rose two feet

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