Thursday, July 20, 2017

Kingston again! 7/18/17

We finally pulled up anchor(s) at Endymion Island.  We had been here for a week and enjoyed most of our time here.  The swimming was great and the weather about 50/50. A few people stopped by in their dingys to say Hi and we had a neighbors for one night.  Most of the time it was loons and geese that came to visit.  We left about 8:00AM and I had to work hard to get all of the salad off of the anchors, took about 20 minutes of picking at it with the boat hook.  We went over to Gananoque to pump out and fill with water.  We were quite proud of ourselves that we were able to last a week on water and holding tank capacity.
It was a pleasant cruise up to Kingston and we ended up on the same dock as the week before, the T head on E dock.  Its pretty close by comparison to some docks to the dock head and we took Abby for a quick walk before Brenda and Russell picked us up for lunch at Chez Piggy.  I had been to Chez Piggy about 30 years ago and it was excellent again.  We spent a pleasant couple of hours with a couple of bottles of wine and caught up on the news with Russ and Brenda.  After lunch Karen (Raven) picked us up outside and we headed over to stock up at Cosco.  More goodies, in fact so many that I had to start up the freezer on the aft cockpit to store them all.  We made dinner plans for later.  We arrived back at the boat after shopping we were delighted to find a beautiful (and tasty) strawberry/rhubarb pie on the cockpit steps from Russ and Brenda.  Thanks guys it was delicious.

Bert and Karen joined us for dinner and we talked about their boat trip south and other Hudson things. Karen and I went and picked up takeout Pad Thai from the Cambodian Village restaurant on Russell's recommendation and it was excellent.  Its been great to run into so many old friends along the way.  I think Debbie is getting fed up with Hudson talk and I guess that will all come to an end when we exit Georgian Bay in September.

Beautiful and tasty Strawberry Rhubarb pie from the best bakery in Kingston

Karen came over for dinner

And Bert too.  Thanks Guys for coming

Box reads "Jim and Debs - We forgot dessert - Love Brenda and Russ"

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