Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Joliet to Ottawa IL 9/19/17

Last night I drained all of the oil from both engines and transmissions.  I was able to refill all four units but decided to wait until this morning to tackle changing the oil filters, because its hot down there after running all day.  Debbie helped me and we got the filters changed and reinstalled before breakfast and then Abby and Debbie went out for a morning walk and I rode my bike around town.
We got underway around 9:30 with two other boats Wrangler and Darwin and headed to the locks.

Next was the Lockport lock and then the Brandon Road lock.  All went well for us with no waiting, and we felt fortunate to have made the last lock when we did, because the boats behind us had to wait for two tows to lock up and they arrived in Ottawa three hours after us. We tied up to the free dock wall in Ottawa and Debbie walked off to take Abby and get some milk.  She also found a park with a statue of Lincoln and Douglas who famously debated here in the elections of the past.

While Debbie walked I ended up with the locals wanting to know all about our trip and telling us about Ottawa.  Debbie always said I attract the crazies.

Lincoln and Douglas  Quite the size difference1

The lock wall at Joliet.  Wrangler and Darwin behind

A big tow coming slowly out of the lock.

The other three boats showed up and we helped them get tied up and let one of them, Robin's Nest raft to us as there wasn't enough dock space for all of us.  The nice thing was they also had free electricity for all of us so we had air conditioning all night.

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