Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Bayport Midland day 2 8/5/17

We woke up to a beautiful day and spent most of it provisioning.  First stop was to drive down to  Cosco in Orillia and then back to the boat with a very quick terrible lunch at KFC.  Angie and Brad were kind enough to come to Cosco with us as we do not have a Cosco card and they do.  They went touring in Midland and Orillia and I went with Chuck and Sylvie to do the other part of shopping at Foodland and then back to the boat to prepare for dinner.

It is Doug Seagrim's birthday today and we enjoyed a pot luck dinner on the docks with the whole crew.  Jennifer made Doug a homemade chocolate cake and we sang the obligatory Happy Birthday.  The rain held off until we had all finished dessert and then we ran for home and headed to bed.  A good day all in all.

Happy Birthday Doug

And he huffed and he puffed and he blew

Pot Luck Dinner for Doug's Birthday at Bayport