Another beautiful day in Georgian Bay. The sun was out, a little chilly to start the day but it warmed up as we went along. We had anchored in Good Harbor and there are two entrances to the bay. One is a slightly longer way and goes around an island and the other passes between a cottage and a rock that is marked by a white bottle. The rocks marked by white bottles are placed by locals as an indicator where a rock is but are not necessarily charted nor definitive. This was one of those cases and after our dingy ride yesterday Chuck and I stopped and investigated the rock. It extended further into the small channel than we had expected and we felt lucky to have cleared it when we entered Good Harbor. We made the decision then to take the long way out but we had failed to warn Bill or inform him of our decision. He found it and ended up with his port prop sitting on top of the rock. Fortunately he was in neutral and gliding when he hit so no damage to the shafts or rudders. Chuck and I launched our dingys and I pushed sideways and Chuck pushed around from the bow and the boat swung itself off the rock and floated into deeper water. It seems as if there is some modification to the prop and we will dive on it tomorrow.
The rest of the day was less eventful and we motored through tight channels and open bays past amazing scenery to Regatta Bay and anchored for the night. There was Seas the Day, Summer Fling, C'est la Vie and Drift Away. The anchorage here is surrounded by lots of open pink granite rocks and Bill took Debbie and Abby over to play on the rocks. Later in the afternoon I took Debbie back over to walk Abby again and when she was getting back in the dingy she slipped and fell into the water but kept her arm up and didn't get the cast wet. I had a hold of one arm and one leg and was trying to get her over the side without hurting her or getting the cast wet. We were both laughing which didn't help and Bill came in another dingy to rescue us.
One of Bill's projects was to repair the switches that raise and lower the anchor from the foredeck. He was the only one that could fit in the hole so we watched and gave him moral support. He was successful and another problem was solved.
Bill fixing his anchor switches. He is the only one who fits! Chuck and I watched.... |
We took 3 dingys and went over to Gilley's in Snug Harbor for a fish dinner. Doug wasn't feeling well and decided to stay on the boat. Ken and Marlaine McDonald joined us and we got a group photo seen below. Most had the pan fried Pickerel and it was delicious. Topped off with Blueberry and Strawberry Crisps life was good. For the ride home the wind had picked up and Barb and Mickey were in the front of Doug's dingy which I was captaining, with Georgia behind the windscreen. We had to go slow so as not to get everyone wet and Bill and Chuck went on ahead. We arrived safely back at the boats and had a few nightcaps.
Fish Dinner at Gilley's |
Sunrise in Regatta Bay. |
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