We awoke and met up for an early captains meeting on the aft deck. It seems Doug has gotten worse and spent the night vomiting and is unable to move or hold anything down. We discussed plans to get Ken McDonald to come over and captain Summer Fling and taking Doug to a local hospital swapping cars and all sorts of plans when Doug rose from the dead and announced him self fit for the days voyage. He looks terrible with swollen eyes and face. They departed after breakfast and we stayed for a while longer and Chuck and Sylvie joined us for peameal bacon with cheezy scrambled eggs. We weighed anchor and headed to Parry Sound and then East to Port Rawson. C'est la Vie developed charging problems and his batteries had dropped to 22.6 volts. Not good. We discussed different options and tried some fixes that were short lived. In the end we all heading into Parry Sound and discussed more fixes over Caesars. The girls walked up into town and brought us back ice cream for lunch. Chuck booked into the Great Sound Marina where the folks from Neptunus will meet him in the morning with two techs and parts to hopefully fix the problems.
Bill and I departed at 2:40 to catch the 3:00 PM swing bridge opening and motored along to Point Rawson. Doug and Mickey with their guests had gone on ahead and found a spot to anchor. We all anchored and rafted together for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Dinner was bring your own aboard Seas the Day and then more stories and after dinner drinks. Doug still looks terrible but he is starting to eat again and had some chicken noodle soup. The swelling is still up. Maybe tomorrow will be better for him.
Henry's Fish Camp |
Turning into Parry Sound |
Cocktails aboard Drift Away |
Seas the Day having Cocktails |
The one armed crew |
Where's the next blog?