Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Little Current to the Benjamin Islands 8/28/17

We got a late start with Debbie going up the hill to the pharmacy and Sandy and Jennifer back to the grocery store  Our first stop was Wally's for a $1000.00 of diesel and a free pump out  and topped off with water.  Debbie and I are probably at one of our last places to spend Canadian cash and change so we gathered up all of the loonies, toonies and other loose change and converted it to diesel fuel. Jennifer and Sandy swore they saw a full moon at Wally's compliments of Wally and were not impressed.........

We cruised up the channel towards the Benjamins on a somewhat overcast and dreary day with a fair amount of a tail wind.  We were able to pick our spot in the Benjamin's as there were only two other boats off in one corner of the main anchorage.  This is so rare for here and often there are 50 boats or so anchored here on a busy weekend in the summer.  We anchored and stern tied to shore. Abby is getting really good at following the dingy on an island.  I let her off and then drive along the shore  while she runs from rock to rock following me.  Good exercise for her and makes her happy.  Her latest trick is to find a pool of stranded water that she lays down in and splashes around in her own personal hot tub.

We all had a long nap in the afternoon and dinner was left overs aboard Seas the Day

The morning or evening walk

Image result for benjamin islands north channel
This is a borrowed photo showing a busier Benjamins, but still not super busy.  Probably warmer too!

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